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Salvation Army Donation

We believe in contributing to our community, and our show homes have given us a special opportunity. As some of the furniture displayed is now surplus, we’ve chosen to share it with those in need.

Equans has a dedicated Social Value team with strong connections in Winsford. The Salvation Army was a natural choice to receive the surplus furniture.

In July, The Salvation Army visited Woodlands to collect their share. Our Social Value Officer, Nicki Sorton, was thrilled to hand it over. Nicki expressed, “We’re delighted to have found another fitting charity that can benefit from our Woodlands scheme in Winsford. Equans has established strong roots in the area, delivering £223,661.63 of Social Value since work started last year. It’s great to see The Salvation Army being supported.”

Gareth Dickens, Commanding Officer for The Salvation Army’s Winsford Corps, also conveyed his gratitude, saying, “Thank you once again on behalf of those who will benefit from this generosity.”

